About Julie Anne

Published by Julie Anne Byrne on

Hello and welcome to My Mind Your Mind blog website where I hope you will find plenty of tips, ideas and easy methods to focus your mind on the present – the here and now.

In the beginning…

For as long as I can remember I have always felt that life as we know it was more than just how it seemed. Being born, learning, living, working, and then at the end, dying and leaving this world behind, seem all very odd, after all, what was the point?

My Dad influenced me from a very early age and still does to this day. He often handed me the most obscure books to read. I recall one such book that I read as a young adult. This book resonated with me so much so that my belief and intuition strengthen regarding the age-old question, “What is our purpose here on Earth?”  You can read about my review of this book here.The_Pleiadian_Agenda_A_New_Cosmology_for_the_Age_of_Light

I found it was only as I matured and then later in life when I had a family of my own that I returned to my beliefs and somehow became less inhibited with sharing my thoughts and feelings with those around me…it appears I’m not alone in this thinking!

Sharing is caring

Something I learnt whilst raising my firstborn was the phrase “Sharing is Caring”. It seems in my endeavour to help him understand the art of sharing toys with his peers, chanting this mantra to him had the desired effect, and he automatically played in unison with those in his company.

When you break the phrase down “Sharing is Caring” it can easily apply to both young and old in all walks of life. It is human nature to want to help others and most especially the vulnerable and those most in need.

Sharing, in whatever form that may take, is also a part of human nature which is learnt from a very young age, watch a toddler try to feed his mother food he just had in his mouth!

My wish is to share what I have learnt with those who are interested. To share with others a way to believe that every day is a new day, a new chance and a new opportunity.  And in creating this website I hope to promote this belief and share it far and wide.

Be careful what you say to yourself because someone very important is listening…YOU

When all is said and done

The main purpose of this website is to share information and ideas/tips with like-minded individuals. To promote positive lifestyles, to encourage positive mindsets and together we can combine our knowledge of how the journey through this wonderful experience called life can best be achieved.

How-to-be-self-awareWe have all been gifted “the present” and the lesson for “living in the moment” is a valuable one to learn. For a healthy mind, a healthy life and a healthy body.

We need only to learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow.

I hope you enjoy your visit here, take a look around, stop and read a while and if you have something to share please leave a comment below I would love to hear from you.

All the best,

Julie Anne

Founder of My Mind, Your Mind

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Find out how I was able to make My Mind, Your Mind website blog a reality by clicking this link


Julie Anne Byrne

Hello, I am Julie Anne Byrne, and this is my blog website.  You can read more on my story in the About Me section above. I hope you enjoy your time visiting my site and reading my blogs and that you find them interesting. Please feel free to leave a comment on any post and I will respond. While I like to think the main purpose of this website is to share information, ideas and tips on living a positive and happy life it will also feature a section on My Recommendations and things I have come across or books of interest that I have read. I hope that communicating together we can combine our thoughts on how the journey through this wonderful experience called life can best be achieved.


Fred Eimhjellen · September 8, 2019 at 2:17 pm

You are on to something important we all forget sometimes. Be there for others and sharing. It all starts with our self and the mindset we develop through the time. Interesting topic. Keep up the good work.

Have you read The secret or watched the movie? If not I recommend that you do. Maybe you find some good content from it you can use.

    Julie Anne Byrne · September 8, 2019 at 3:44 pm

    I agree Fred it does all start with one’s self if we can cultivate a good mindset then the world is our oyster!

    I’ve not read that book or seen the movie, thank you for the recommendation.

    Wishing you all the very best, Julie Anne

Lily · September 26, 2019 at 9:13 pm

Some great ideas here.

Looking back I realise how controlling my thoughts, has benefited my life and those around me.

It truly is an inner power and a great way to give to others.

Wishing you all the best with your life and family.


    Julie Anne Byrne · September 27, 2019 at 6:19 pm

    Thanks for your good wishes Lily and I’m glad you find my site helpful.

    We all have the inner power, we just need to harness it 🙂

    Wishing you the very best of Irish luck, Julie Anne

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