2021…The High Five

Published by Julie Anne Byrne on

High Five is a social gesture of greeting and welcome…in 2021 our social interactions WILL be resumed and we WILL finally reunite with our family and friends.

The memories of 2020 will become distant and the tears that we shed will water the seeds we will plant in 2021.

In numerology 2021 is ruled by the number five. 2+0+2+1=5

The number 5 is all about dynamic changes, freedom, courage, unexpected events, adventure, risk-taking and rebellion.

The number 5 is often referred to as a number for humanity: 5 fingers, 5 toes, 5 senses, 5 major systems of the body.

Julie Anne Byrne

Hello, I am Julie Anne Byrne, and this is my blog website.  You can read more on my story in the About Me section above. I hope you enjoy your time visiting my site and reading my blogs and that you find them interesting. Please feel free to leave a comment on any post and I will respond. While I like to think the main purpose of this website is to share information, ideas and tips on living a positive and happy life it will also feature a section on My Recommendations and things I have come across or books of interest that I have read. I hope that communicating together we can combine our thoughts on how the journey through this wonderful experience called life can best be achieved.


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